Intro to Mandarin (pinyin)


Xiansheng (Mr., husband, teacher)
Ni hao (how do you do/ hello)
Xiaojie (miss/ young lady)
Qing (please)
Wen (to ask)
Nin (you-polite)
Gui xing (what is your honorable surname?)
Wo (I)
Jiao (to be called; to call)
Shenme (what)
Mingzi (name)
Wang Peng
Li You
Shi (to be)
Laoshi (teacher)
Bu (not; no)
Xuesheng (Student)
Ye (too; also)
Zhongguoren (chinese people)
Meiguoren (american people)
Pengyou (Friend)
Taitai (wife/Mrs.)
Na (that)
Zhang (measure word for flat object)
Zhaopian (picture; photo)
De (‘s)
Zhe (this)
Baba (Father)
Mama (mother)
Zhe ge (this)
Nanhaizi (boy)
Shei (who)
Ta (he)
Ta (she)
Didi (younger brother)
Nuhaizi (girl)
Meimei (younger sister)
Nu’er (daughter)
You (to have)
Erzi (son)
Mei (not)
Xiao (small; little)
Gao (tall)
Jia (family)
Ji (how many)
Gege (older brother)
Liang (two; couple of)
Jiejie (older sister)
He (and)
Zuo (to do)
Yingwen (english language)
Lushi (lawyer)
Dou (both; all)
Daxuesheng (college student)
Yisheng (doctor)
Yue (month)
Hao (#)
Xingqi (Week)
Tian (day)
Shengri (birthday)
Jinnian (this year)
Duo da (how old)
Sui (year of age)
Qing (to treat someone)
Chi (to eat)
Wanfan (dinner)
Chi fan (to eat meal)
Zenmeyang (is it ok)
Tai…le (too; extremely)
Xiexie (thank you)
Xihuan (to like)
Haishi (or)
Keshi (but)
Hao (ok)
Women (we)
Dianzhong (o’clock)
Ban (half)
Wanshang (evening)
Zaijian (see you again)
Xianzai (now)
Ke (15 min)
Shi (matter/affair/business)
Mingtian (tomorrow)
Mang (busy)
Jintian (today)
Hen (very)
Weishenme (why)

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How to add date/time created to your ruby on rails application

<p> <h1><%= @article.title %></h1> </p> <p> Posted by: <strong><%=></strong> </p> <p> On<%= @article.created_at.strftime("%B %d %Y, %l:%M%P") %>... Continue →