Building a Rails 4 app using the Twilio API

This weekend I wanted to challenge myself by building a functional web application using the rails framework. My goal for this project was to use an API that I was unfamiliar with and that could be used from my iPhone.

I settled on the Twilio API. Twilio is a company who services voice calling and SMS messaging integration into your app. On the messaging side the service works by essentially turning all text messages into a RESTful architecture. By utilizing a RESTful architecture for your incoming/outgoing SMS requests, you are able to map those requests to the routes in your rails application.

Behind the scenes Twilio figures out how to handle your app requests by using a construct known as webhooks. This is done for you on Twilio’s side. When someone makes a request to your twilio number, either by phone or SMS message. The webhook which is simply an URL will handle that request and follow the directions you give it to make a follow up call or text message.

The entire process of putting this app together was a very frustrating but tremendous learning experience. From a technical standpoint the actual code was not that difficult. The most challenging part was configuring my rails app to talk with Twilio.

You have to very, very RESTful minded when integrating Twilio into Rails. As I’ve gone through this journey I wanted to put together a step-by-step tutorial to make it easier for the wider developer community:

1 Create a Twilio account #

First sign up for a Twilio developer account. The account is free and you will be given a certain amount of credit ($$$) to use on your account.

Remember that Twilio actually sends out SMS messages and/or voice calls which does cost money. (A simple google search will help you to find coupons that you can use to add more credit to your account, especially if you’re a student!)

2 Configure your account #

During sign up Twilio will either send you a text message or a quick phone call to make sure you are not a spambot. We all hate those now don’t we?
Input the verification code and then proceed to getting your phone number.

3 Choose a phone number #

Next get your Twilio number. This is a unique phone number given to you by Twilio which will allow you access to their voice calling and SMS messaging capabilities for the API.

Twilio will assign you a random phone number but you can choose your own based on your location.

4 Add Twilio to your new Rails 4 app #

Start up your rails new app

rails new twilio-messages

Add the twilio gem to your Gemfile

gem 'twilio-ruby'

5 Add your aunthentication keys #

You can find your authentication keys on your Twilio dev account. You will need both the account_sid and auth_token. For example let’s say you wanted to show all incoming text messages on your rails view.

# messages_controller.rb

class MessagesController < ApplicationController
  def index


  def client
    twilio_phone_number = "9734594512"
    account_sid = 'FDlkje3553l;kj6ljfsafdasf'
    auth_token = 'SFDFAF78987FdfE889'

    # set up a client to talk to the Twilio REST API
    @client = account_sid, auth_token

Then in your view:

<% @client.account.messages.list({}).each do |message| %>
  <li><%= message.body %></li>
<% end %>

6 Test your app locally with ngrok #

Since Twilio is looking for a live GET/POST request from your app you will not be able to integrate Twilio on localhost:3000 alone. You can use the ngrok gem which essentially creates a live webserver on the internet for your gem so that you can test it locally.

Gem here

7 configure your incoming/outgoing routes #

This is how your app will retrieve data from Twilio and then process the incoming or outgoing requests. You MUST make sure that your controller#action matches what you have on your Twilio dev account.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :messages
  get '/incoming', to: 'incoming#send_message'

  root 'messages#index'

8 Handle incoming SMS and replying #

Twilio allows you to handle incoming SMS messages and then reply to them based on their given body. Twilio uses a special XML format called TwiML that turns the SMS message into a hash containing a lot of data. You can use params[:Body] to respond to a given SMS through your matching controller#action.

# incoming_controller.rb

class IncomingController < ApplicationController
  def send_message
    body = params[:Body]

    @twiml = do |r|
      if body == "Lauryn, what is my current location?"
          r.Message "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide.
Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly"
          r.Message "You might win some but you just lost one"
      # r.Message "What up bruh."

    render 'send_message.xml.erb', :content_type => 'text/xml'


Then make your relevant route using an XML view:


  <Sms><%= @twiml.text %></Sms>

9 Change url to your server #

Make sure your SMS url is set to GET and that it matches the same URL in your route.

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 9.37.20 AM.png

use twilio logs!!!

10 Getting puma/postgres/heroku up and running #

You will probably want to have your app go live on the internet. Heroku is a good server that you can use. For your first time: YOU WILL GET FRUSTRATED. Make sure you read the docs.

heroku logs tells you nothing
heroku run rails console is okay
heroku logs is your best friend

11 Finally here are some final pointers in deploying: #

Remember to always be pushing to heroku, some of your app updates might not get reflected in Twilio.

rails c = app.class

Do not name your methods reserve words like send

Twilio methods are case sensitive
Twilio::Twiml != Twilio::TwiML
Twilio::Rest::Client != Twilio::REST::Client

12 rails is convention over configuration #

= goes out the window when using APIs


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